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Quality Medical Devices

We at PPVedaant offer devices which are as per medical standards series ISO/iEC 60601. we also follow FUSA ISO/IEC 26262.  

All our products go from literature survey  for capturing inputs .our literature survey includes previous and present challanges faced by the organisms.  next stage is prototyping and following the spiral project development. once the protoype meets the specs .than the device is tested on our emulators which are the exact replica of subject.eg lung, throat,heart emulators. we dont do any trial on animals, our emulators are world class and far far better than animal trials.

Order Online
You can now order our products online through our E-Commerce Portal. You can access our online technical support to use the Product.
Medicine Authenticity
We have machine vision systems which can tell about the authenticity of medicine.This is a fool proof system to protect you from duplicate medicines.
Medical Equipment
Try Our world class Medical Instruments for Personal use or to pursue Research.
Hygiene Med Products
At chemical level we only sell hygene related products for hospitals, Home , Buildings. Goverment Services Railways.